Information on the #Wannacry cyberattack

Communiqué de Panda Labs

We at Panda Security want to share with you the fact that the situation caused by the massive cyber-attack with “WannaCry” crytolocker, is of total normality thanks to the effective performance delivered by all our solutions.

However, at Panda Security we consider the application of the security patch as absolutely critical to completely close the door to these kinds of attacks. For your information, we will keep our Tech Support site constantly updated with all the details of the cyberattack #WannaCry.

Thanks for trusting in Panda Security.

Nous avons fait le bon choix pour nos clients depuis presque 15 ans.
Mais si la protection est efficace, votre comportement reste le meilleur moyen de vous protéger, avant l’anti-virus lui même. Vigilance et mise à jour de votre système windows est le premier réflexe.